How is Coaching different from therapy?

Therapist treat mental illness and bring you back to a baseline. Coaches build mental fitness and help you thrive above the baseline.

Therapy (also known as counselling, or “talk therapy”) is similar to coaching in some ways. Both use evidence-based techniques and intentional dialogue as the primary tools for growth and discovery, but there are also key differences between these services: Coaching is focused on the present and future, while therapy focuses on the past, present, and future. Coaching is focused on personal growth and professional development, while therapy is designed to help you work through deeper issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma.

What are coaching session like?

Coaching sessions can vary widely depending on the context, the type of coaching, and the goals of the individual being coached. Here’s a general overview of what coaching sessions might entail:

  1. Setting the Foundation
  2. Agreement: The coach and client establish a coaching agreement that outlines the guidelines, expectations, and responsibilities of both parties.

PQ Program vs. Traditional Training

Traditional training and development tends to have short-lived impact for 3 reasons:

  • Focus on insight rather than muscle. For example, the insight that being frustrated isn’t helpful doesn’t automatically lead to you not feeling frustrated. That would require mental muscles to shift brain activation.
  • Treating symptoms rather than cause. For example, teaching you techniques of active listening to improve empathy will have temporary impact if your deeply-seated Judge Saboteur is not exposed and intercepted.
  • No common operating system. Since each training you attend uses a different framework—the 7 steps of managing conflict, the 5 secrets of managing time, etc.–the frameworks compete for mindshare and all fade away.

Through extensive factor analysis research, PQ has identified the 10 root-level negative factors (Saboteurs) and the 5 primary powers (Sage). This enables a common operating system.

All personal and professional development become applications of the PQ operating system. Whether learning to manage conflicts, manage time, or perform better under pressure, you’d apply the same exact operating system:

  1. Intercept Saboteurs
  2. Issue Self-Command (through 10-second PQ Reps)
  3. Mobilize Sage (Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, Activate)

You’d be using one simple framework for a variety of applications, boosting root-level mental fitness.

This dramatically simplifies personal and professional development.